Centro de Investigação Transcidisplinar para o Empreendorismo & Inovação Ecossitémica.

TRIE IN NUMBERS – February 2021_July 2023
In the last few years, the contextual conditions for organizations have changed considerably due to technical and digital, as well as social, legal, and ecological developments. It's not necessarily that more things are changing or changing faster than they did in the past. What's different is that changes are now much more pervasive, and they're also more apt to interact with each other to create additional change.
Also, now-a-days, an Ecosystem needs to be understood as a property of a complex system, characterized by nonlinearity, unpredictability, and interdependence. Hence, ecosystems are no longer a property of an individual company, product, or service. However, a gap remains regarding the strategies that can be adopted to manage people and organizations from an ecosystem perspective.
Businesses have shifted from vertical integration to ecosystems, and as those ecosystems become bigger and more intricate and interconnected, changes are transmitted further, touch more entities, and take unanticipated paths to appear in unexpected places. The resulting complex, chaotic, the pressure for circularity and hence unpredictable environment calls for us to go beyond anticipating potential futures to sensing and acting on unanticipated futures. We need to engage with actual possibilities.
COCOON Project | Co-Creating Greener Futures: Developing and Transferring Innovative Bio-Design Modules for Education to Accelerate the Green Transition. Grant nº 101087204

CoCoon is a large-scale Erasmus project aimed at expediting the transfer and co-creation of knowledge within the domain of Biodesign and Biofabrication. This endeavor unites a multidisciplinary team of experts hailing from seven institutions across five European Union countries (TRIE/ COFAC and BIOPOLIS from Portugal; AALTO from Finland; IAAC from Spain, and FB from Iceland). The collective commitment of these institutions lies in sharing experiences and generating new knowledge to foster a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.