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universidade lusófona


Scientific Events

TRIE provides a platform for our scientists and guests to discuss recent developments in research. We aim to host Three scientific conferences each year: (a) Ecosystems; (b) Participatory Processes; (c) Tourism

We will also inform about Seminars, Research guest Lectures, Research Webinars for (a) beginners level; (b) to transdisciplinary research; (c) Experts level


  1. O Professor Gabriel Patrocínio, Professor Associado do curso de Design de Comunicação e codiretor do Mestrado em Design para a Economia Circular, participou no mês de abril da Conferência Internacional Conectividade e Criatividade em tempos de Conflito, e da Assembleia Geral da Cumulus Association, realizada em Maio de 2023 na Universidade da Antuérpia. Na conferência, o professor Patrocínio apresentou o grupo Cirrocumulus e também o projeto Cocoon Green Labs, coordenado pelo professor Américo Mateus pelo TRIE, centro de investigação do Ensino Lusófona.
  2. TRIE integrated Researcher and Board member, PhD Américo Mateus, within the scope of his duties as a member of Taskforce 6 of the European Commission, co-creation for Nature-Based Solutions, is one of the co-organizers of the COP27 event: Co-creation of Nature-Based Solutions for climate change adaptation, which takes place on November 11 2022 in Egypt.
  3. TRIE board member & Researcher and ISMAT lecturer, Américo Mateus is Guest Speaker and Moderator at the Global Forum and at the Water & Humanity Conference 20-26, 2022 in Muscat, Oman
  4. Américo Mateus, Head of TRIE, was invited speaker at the NetworkNature Annual Conference in Brussels. On the 27th of September 2022, Professor Américo Mateus, was one of the guest speakers of the European Commission’s annual NetworkNature conference.
  5. Américo Mateus, Head of TRIE, was present at the European Commission – Research & Innovation department TF6 Meeting , as an expert in participatory design and co-creation processes, having had the responsibility to facilitate the group dynamics carried out between the experts of invited European projects. Milan October 2022.
  6. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Propriedade Intelectual e Políticas de Design. Panel: O Acordo de Haia e o futuro da proteção do Desenho Industrial no Brasil. XIII Encontro Académico de Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento – ENAPID. Rio de Janeiro, 16.09.2021.
  7. Américo Mateus – Appointed Taskforce Expert and responsible for TF6 – Co-creation Methods (HOW) of NatureNetwork of the European Commission that selected experts from ongoing European projects related to NBS – Nature Based Solutions to create manuals of good practices and dissemination.
  8. Arthur Araújo – Documentary Jury at Art&Tur: International Tourism Tourism Film Festival, 2021, Turismo Centro de Portugal, 26th to 29th October 2021, Aveiro, Portugal.
  9. Arthur Araújo – Structural Equations Modeling and AMOS in Tourism Investigation – Lecture given to the PhD in Tourism class at the University of Aveiro on June 5, 2021.
  10. Arthur Araújo – Organizer and mediator of the thematic section on film tourism at INVTUR 2021, University of Aveiro, 6 and 7 May 2021, Aveiro, Portugal.
  11. Arthur Araújo – Documentary Jury at Art&Tur: International Tourism Film Festival 2020, Turismo Centro de Portugal, 26th to 29th October 2020, Viseu, Portugal.
  12. Arthur Araújo – Structural Equations Modeling and AMOS in Tourism Investigation – Lectures given to the PhD in Tourism class at the University of Aveiro on June 5th and 12th, 2020.
  13. Patrícia Araújo – 1st Edition of Change UP- Project – Developing Organizations (Official Sponsor – Pestana Gramacho Residences)
  14. Patrícia Araújo – Creation of the Blog “Organizational Development” with students, for the publication of academic writings.
  15. Patrícia Araújo – Continuity of the National Project – LIDERES DE PORTUGAL, youtbe channel ( ) With case studies carried out by Portuguese leadership students.
  16. Carla Costa and Lígia Nascimento – Design and development of workshops on “New and different ways of creating CV’s” – FEEL – 1st Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair of Lagoa, February 2020.
  17. Lígia Nascimento – Conception and development of lectures for the events March Jovem – Dias Abertos ISMAT, March 2020 and March 2021.
  18. Lígia Nascimento – Moderation of conferences in the Cycle of Conferences-Debate GRH ISMAT, May 2020.
  19. Lígia Nascimento – Conception and conduction of lectures at the Open Day GRH 2020 ISMAT, August 2020.
  20. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Design & Beer. Lecture/webinar (online) aimed at industrial brewers in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, within the event Design Petrópolis 2021. Date: 18.06.2021. Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil. Available at:
  21. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Design Policies for Innovation and Competitiveness / Design connecting Government and Society. Lecture for the Postgraduate Program in Design at the Federal University of Paraná, (PPGDESIGN / UFPR), Lecture Cycle in Design Management. Date: May 19, 2021. Curitiba, PR, Brazil
  22. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10th International Congress on Information Design – CIDI 2021 in the thematic axis Society; organized by the Brazilian Society of Information Design – SBDI and by the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR; (
  23. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Member of the Scientific Committee at the 2nd Edition of the International Research & Education in Design Conference (REDES2022) to be held in Lisbon, Portugal on 19 and 20 May 2022. (
  24. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Academic Reviewer, Estudos em Design Magazine, biannual publication of the Associação Estudos em Design. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. ISSN Printed: 0104-4249, ISSN Electronic: 1983-196X
  25. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2021). Academic Reviewer, Revista VIRUS, biannual interdisciplinary scientific publication of Nomads.usp – Nucleus of Interactive Habitats Studies, of the Postgraduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo, Brazil. ISSN: 2175-974x; DOI: 10.4237/virus_journal
  26. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2020). Academic Reviewer, Revista Linhas, Postgraduate Program in Education – PPGE/FAED/UDESC, University of the State of Santa Catarina. Florianopolis, Brazil. e-ISSN: 1984-7238.
  27. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2020). Academic Reviewer, ACTIO Magazine – Journal of Technology in Design, Film Arts and Visual Communication, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogota, Colombia.
  28. Patrocinio, Gabriel (2020). Design Policies Bringing Design and Industry closer together. Panel: Experiences bringing together Design and Industry, Design + Cultural Programming Conference, Congress of Rede Cultura 2027: The Future of Our City. CM Leiria, ESAD Caldas da Rainha. Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
  29. Mateus, Americo; Patrocinio, Gabriel (2020). “Design Doing! It’s time to DO not only think – New times need new creative actions” Organization and debate with guests Fabio Palma (IED Barcelona), Fred Gelli (Tátil, Rio de Janeiro), Rodrigo Brenner and Maurício Noronha (Furf, Curitiba), and Paulo Bago D’Uva. Part of the TAKEOFF Algarve event, promoted by ISMAT’s ISHIP incubator

Scientific Conferences


  1. Marques-Quinteiro, P.; Gomes, C. – Conference Convener and Organizer, SCAR Standing Committee on the Humanities and Social Sciences (SC-HASS) Biannual Conference 2023, 200 participants, (estimated) Portugal.
  2. Gomes, C. (2022, abril, 5). Jornadas de GRH: O Futuro do Trabalho: Novos e velhos desafios. ECEO, Universidade Lusófona.
  3. Gomes, C – Moderadora no painel sobre Upskilling & reskilling das Jornadas de GRH: Gestão de Pessoas: Universidades e Empresas. ECEO, Universidade Lusófona.
  4. Mateus, A.; Leonor, S.; Patrocinio, G. January 2023 – NBS HUB Portugal, launch event and Conference. partnering with NetworkNature EU and REA, 40 international Experts on Nature_Based Solutions discussed during 3 days the state of the art of NBS and together with Citizens run a co-diagnostic in 3 different Portimão Municipality challenges: Old City center; Harbor, Social neighborhood.
  5. Almeida, C., Gomes, C., Custódio, B., & Nogueira, F. (2023). “Compreendendo” a inovação em organizações de saúde [Comunicação]. O XIII Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade (RIQUAL), Coimbra, Portugal.
  6. Almeida, C., Gomes, C., Custódio, B., & Nogueira, F. (2023). Inovação em Saúde: A Perspetiva dos Decisores no Contexto Português [Comunicação]. O XIII Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade (RIQUAL), Coimbra, Portugal.
  7. Almeida, C., Gomes, C., Custódio, B., & Nogueira, F. (2022). Análise dos drivers de inovação: Adaptação do CISao setor da saúde [Comunicação]. XII Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade – RIQUAL, Costa da Caparica, Portugal.
  8. Nature for Innovative and Inclusive Urban Regeneration (NATiURB) 16 & 17 June 2022 in Milan. Organization URBiNAT & Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli – Scientific Committee: Américo Mateus, Susana Leonor
  9. Participatory Design International Conference Algarve October 2021 – Chairs: Américo Mateus, Susana Leonor e Gabriel Patrocinio
  10. Patrícia Araújo & Carla Costa– 1º Seminário Final do Change Up Project’2020/2021
  11. Organização de 1 evento científico – Tourism and Hospitality International Conference (THInC2021) de 19 a 21-05-2021 – Chairs: Álvaro Dias, Mafalda Patuleia, João Estevão
  12. Sónia Ribeiro – Seminário O que podemos fazer com a pessoa com demência. 2021
  13. Sónia Ribeiro – Seminário Atitude Investigativa e pesquisa em Serviço Social Dimensões constitutivas da formação e do exercício profissional. 2021
  14. Sónia Ribeiro – Webinar: Serviço Social: fundamentos teórico-metodológicos e exercício profissional. 2021
  15. Sónia Ribeiro – Plano de Contingência para uma Vida Feliz. 2021
  16. Sónia Ribeiro – I Seminário Internacional Saúde e trabalho: dialogo entre Portugal e Brasil. 2020
  17. Bakas, F.E. : 2021- International Webinar Series. Three webinars (April 1 | May 6 | June 3, 2021) with international speakers on creative tourism. Co-organised with Nancy Duxbury (CES, University of Coimbra).
  18. Bakas, F.E.: 2021- INVTUR 2021. Scientific committee member. INVTUR 2021: “Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals: From Theory to Practice”, May 6-7, University of Aveiro, Portugal (online).
  19. Bakas, F.E.: 2021 – THInC 2021. Organizing committee and Scientific committee member. THInC: 1st Edition of the Tourism and Hospitality International Conference: CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND TOURISM FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 19-21 May, Lusofona University, Portugal.
  20. Eva Chaves – I Seminário Internacional – “Saúde e Trabalho na Contemporaneidade: Diálogos entre Portugal e Brasil”, do Ciclo de Debate “SERVIÇO SOCIAL E SOCIEDADE – do Núcleo Lusófono de Estudo e Investigação em Serviço Social (NLEISS) no dia 4 de Dezembro de 2020.
  21. Eva Chaves – II Seminário Internacional “Trabalho e Saúde: Aprofundando as questões do risco profissional em Portugal e no Brasil”, do Ciclo de Debate “SERVIÇO SOCIAL E SOCIEDADE – do Núcleo Lusófono de Estudo e Investigação em Serviço Social (NLEISS) no dia 22 de Janeiro de 2021
  22. Eva Chaves – III Seminário Internacional “Atitude Investigativa e pesquisa em Serviço Social: dimensões constitutivas da formação e do exercício profissional” do Ciclo de Debate “SERVIÇO SOCIAL E SOCIEDADE – do Núcleo Lusófono de Estudo e Investigação em Serviço Social (NLEISS) no dia 16 de abril 2021.
  23. Eva Chaves – Comemoração do dia Mundial do Serviço Social na ULP: Serviço Social: fundamentos teórico-metodológicos e exercício profissional”, no dia 16 de março 2021.
  24. Eva Chaves – Dia da Mulher: “Plano de Contigêncial para uma vida feliz”, dia 8 de março 2021.
  25. Eva Chaves – Oficina – “A arte de estudar: a organização do trabalho científico” – no dia 6 de março de 2021.
  26. SANTOS, C. M.; FERREIRA, M. E.; CHAVES, E.; RIBEIRO, S. Comissão organizadora do I Seminário Internacional “Saúde e Trabalho na Contemporaneidade: Diálogos entre Portugal e Brasil”, ocorrido em 04 de dezembro de 2020.