Science to Ecosystem
Community based research projects

B1 ENTRETERRITÓRIO Ecosystemic vision for the territory of Portimão
Taking into account the challenges of the century. XXI, resulting from environmental, economic, cultural and social transformations, aggravated by the context of the global pandemic that we are experiencing, ISMAT and TRIE identifies the need to develop, jointly with the municipality of Portimão:
- new proposals for local citizens and, at the same time, generate attractiveness to attract new visitors and residents;
- respond to socio-economic challenges;
- reinforce territorial mobility and cultural development.
In short, design opportunities contextualized by applied research and a global action strategy for the Municipality, which should be assumed as a UNIVERSITY CITY, which it is.
Aim – In a partnership between the ISMAT-ISHIP Research Center and the TRIE-ISMAT / ULHT / ULP (Transdisciplinary Research Center of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystems), they propose to contribute to the analysis, design and creation of a strategic circular ecosystem, with solutions that respond to diverse challenges for the economy. To develop this proposal, we propose to initiate a well-founded investigation, in close cooperation with the representatives of the territorial governance entities, local economic agents and highly motivated citizens; through an approach centered on the value of co-creation and guided by research.
Citizen centered – One of the main focuses for the construction of knowledge in this proposal is the transformation of the mind-set, for a closer relationship between more experienced stakeholders with younger stakeholders, bringing intergenerational issues to the construction of a more inclusive and diversified ecosystem, in that the different dimensions have a more sustainable orientation towards social restructuring.
Participatory observatory – Develop an observatory to document and analyze, the development of different actions that intercept governance models, rehabilitation and urbanism policies, educational and youth programs, entrepreneurship ecosystems, accessibility to culture, tourism, health and well-being, among others.
IR – PhD Américo Mateus