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universidade lusófona
Research Action Lines

Strategic Circular Ecosystems LAB


TRIE Strategic ecosystem LAB, based on transdisciplinary methodologies, researches and translates cutting-edge strategic thinking into guidelines for business and public governance institutions. We develop and build on leading knowledge and explore ideas that shape the strategizing of tomorrow. We work with leading academics, visionary entrepreneurs and well-established business partners to advance the practice of strategy making today and in the future.

Strategic ecosystem LAB (SELab) – Structures

B1 -Strategic Research TRAINING – Learning and Developing Strategy

Whether as a research partner, advisor or research expert in specific training programs or workshops, our Strategic Ecosystems Lab will work with small and large companies as well as public entities in all matters of strategic management development. We propose that organizations and their staff take strategy into their own hands based on knowledge acquisition and continuous training. Working jointly, we will identify the most important strategic challenges and provide co-solution finding and co-implementation support. Organizations will benefit from our ability to share strategic research based on practical experience-based knowledge.

For TRIE this strategic research Training program is a gateway to understanding the contextual changes, mindsets, challenges, drivers for fundamental research in the field and in real life contexts to fuel TRIE fundamental and applied research.


  • 1 - Diagnostic and internal culture assessment.
  • 2 - Data analysis, trends research, scenario development, motivation for change.
  • 3 - Strategic focus, systemic business modelling, culture change, transformational journey.

Research Output– TRIE – Gathered research drivers and case building assessment model ®

B2 – Strategic CO-CREATION – Building Ecosystems

We believe that future value can be found in business models spanning different industries as well as in cross-pollination with citizens, social and governance organizations. Therefore, our transdisciplinary researchers support companies, entrepreneurs and public institutions to identify, structure and manage their research-knowledge ecosystems to create and capture value beyond the usual.

TRIE aims to research, develop and support the creation of collaborative ecosystemic approaches to strategic projects. Our research team’s goal is to be positioned at the frontier of ecosystem research. By offering a space for strategic dialog across business, entrepreneurial and governance organizations, the Strategy Ecosystem Lab empowers ecosystem strategies so that our research partners are one step ahead of their competitors.


  • 1 - Gathering of companies with clear goals, roles and behavior guidelines.
  • 2 - Definition of joint knowledge-based projects.
  • 3 - Regular result updates that involve the entire consortium.
  • 4 - Execution of projects or operations under the guidance of the TRIE (SELab)

Research Output – TRIE – Innovation & entrepreneurship Ecosystem Model ® building Piloting and validation

B3 – Strategic Applied Research DIVE – creating and sharing Insights

We expand knowledge and explore ideas to advance research and shape the business strategies of tomorrow. As research partner, we offer action research studies on pre-defined strategic inputs – and jointly pursue the leading topics that have not yet been explored. We want to support each organization with their ecosystem transformation and change.

For TRIE, DIVE represents our intention to set international standards in excellent strategic Innovation & entrepreneurship Ecosystem’s research, via a bottom-up approach, thanks to the focus on co-developing strategy insights with our research partners. Our applied research DIVE cases will maximize the practical relevance of the gathered insights and generate trend-setting and measurable strategic results for dissemination within the research community of all target organizations, supporting their future ecosystemic strategies.


  • 1 – Analysis – Collection of relevant customer data
  • 2 – Synthesis – Evaluation and strategic interpretation of data incl. publications
  • 3 – Transformation – Use of findings for the business
  • 4 – Cooperation – Co-monitoring implementation

Research Output – TRIE – Design Metasystem for Business Ecosystems Development Model® Validation, Parametrization and Improvements