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universidade lusófona

Science to Classroom


  • 4 Research Seminars
  • 17 Internal and External Research Seminars


This area of action of TRIE aims to contribute to the dissemination of a research culture among all study cycles of the Lusófona group. As specific objectives the following can be presented: transfer of knowledge to the students of the various study cycles; inclusion of students in research projects developed in TRIE. To achieve the first specific objective, research seminars are periodically organized for undergraduate and master students of the Lusófona group. To achieve the second specific objective, undergraduate and master students are integrated in research projects developed in TRIE, namely by resorting to funding from the Fazer+ program of Lusófona University.

Scientific Initiation Course: Introduction to Literature Review


There are more and more students interested in taking Masters and Doctorates. One of the things that students increasingly signal as challenging is the literature review phase, a fundamental phase in any scientific work/dissertation. This course aims to fill this gap, providing students with skills, strategies and techniques for effective research and reading of scientific articles, and presentation and discussion of key ideas.


Helena Martins, Rosa Rodrigues and Catarina Gomes

Pedagogical Objectives

At the end of this training action, the trainees must be able to:

  • Search and select quality scientific articles
  • Use the APA referencing standard
  • List and identify the main sections of a scientific article
  • Identify and synthesize key ideas from scientific articles
  • Critically analyze a scientific article
  • Recognize the importance of peer review in scientific practice
  • Oral presentation of a scientific article


July 5th to 9th 2021


  1. Américo Mateus - Responsible for training actions for the research teams in Design and Architecture at TU DELFT and at the University of Antwerp, for applied research models focused on participatory processes and human-centered design.
  2. Patrícia Araújo - Training Course in Mindfulness & Meditative Practices at FPCE-Universidade do Porto
  3. Patrícia Araújo - Erasmus 2021 - University of Huelva - Teaching Mobildiade
  4. Lígia Nascimento - Design and development of the Summer Course “Recruitment and Selection Practices”, ISMAT, September 2020.
  5. Sponsorship, Gabriel (2021). Creativity in Education - BENAVENTE, development and teaching of a 3-hour online seminar offered to primary and secondary school teachers. Intermunicipal Council of Lezírias do Tejo, CIMLT, and Research Unit of Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa. Date: 03.10.2021. Benavente, Portugal.
  6. Sponsorship, Gabriel (2021). Creativity in Education - ALPIARÇA, development and teaching of a 3-hour online seminar offered to primary and secondary school teachers. Intermunicipal Council of Lezírias do Tejo, CIMLT, and Research Unit of Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa. Date: 05/26/2021. Alpiarça, Portugal.
  7. Machado, M. (2021), Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI): evidence in Portugal. Scientific Meeting of the ECEO at Universidade Lusófona, 12 May 2021.
  8. Machado, M. (2021), Application of the “lean management” philosophy to Universidade Lusófona. ECEO training action (ULHT): April 7, 2021.
  9. Machado, M. (2020), Performance evaluation methods as determinants of price and hotel customer satisfaction: evidence in Portugal. Scientific Meeting of the ECEO at Universidade Lusófona, 25 November 2020.
  10. Machado, M. (2020), Product valuation methods: an empirical study in Portuguese SMEs. Scientific Meeting of the ECEO at Universidade Lusófona, June 15, 2020.
  11. Machado, M. (2020), Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry (USALI): evidence in Portugal. Scientific Meeting of the ECEO at Universidade Lusófona, 20 May 2020.
  12. Machado, M. (2020), Characteristics of the accounting profession: an empirical study in Portugal. Scientific Meeting of the ECEO at Universidade Lusófona, March 5, 2020.
  13. Americo Mateus & Susana Leonor - Design thinking training for Innovation in Education - Problem Solvers Creativity Program with Secondary School Teachers from Algarve and Alentejo - 6 sessions where 89 Teachers were impacted
  14. SANTOS, C. M. Lectured “Theory and practice relationship and conservatism in Brazil”, 2020. Location: online; Event: Inaugural synchronous remote class in the Research Practices discipline. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / Brazil.
  15. SANTOS, C. M. Lecture The unity of theory and practice in Social Work: Some reflections in times of conservatism and pandemic. 2020. (Seminar, Presentation of Work). Location: meet google com/ate jben tvj; Event: We work in various spaces, always with the Social Service population to know and value this profession A reflection on training and professional practice in times of conservatism and pandemic. Federal University of Tocantins
  16. SANTOS, Cláudia M. Lecture ‘The foundations of professional training’, 2020. Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Brazil.
  17. SANTOS, Cláudia M. speaker at the IV Forum of Internship Supervisors at PUC Rio --“The Operational Technical Dimension in Social Work in the Pandemic Period by COVID 19 And in practice, is the theory different?” organized by the Department of Social Services at PUC Rio, on June 7, 2021, from 17 30 to 20 hours via the Zoom platform.