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universidade lusófona
Research Action Lines



Continuous Field Research – These observatories will be a continuous area of field research, according to specific themes proposed by ISHIP researchers. These aim to generate and validate data that can feed your research, that focus on the contribution to the scientific community and tourism, supporting data decision-making and innovation processes.

For TRIE, the observatories are an element of constant information gathering and generation, bilaterally: (a) from people to organizations; and (b) from organizations to people. This continuous flow will allow TRIE to gain insights for its fundamental research, validate data for its partners, and act pro-positively to give indicators of change to the sector in question.


A1. Lifestyle Entrepreneurship Observatory

LEO – Lifestyle Entrepreneurship Observatory is focused on data collection, information dissemination and research on tourism lifestyle entrepreneurs (TLE). Previous research shows that TLE represent a very significant share of the total number of small and medium-sized businesses in tourism. However, there is no study that indicates how many they are or what share they occupy in the total tourism industry. There is also a wide range of areas to explore related to these entrepreneurs, such as innovation processes, cooperation, business management, marketing and communication, among others. What makes these entrepreneurs special is the fact that they use non-financial indicators as core support for their business. In this sense, LEO intends to explore this group, which makes it innovative at a global level by contributing with new and relevant knowledge about TLEs. The results of this observatory will have not only important academic repercussions but also implications for national, regional and local political decision-making.

Research Output

TRIE – Observatory Labs data for dissemination – trend reports for Tourism ®


Its objective is the creation and operation of a network with interactive capacity that allows the observation and analysis of Social Work in terms of knowledge, training and different forms of linking to the State and Society. If the object is to discipline, the observatory is supported by transdisciplinarity due to the multiplicity of functions and dynamics it implies.

Research Output

TRIE – Observatory Labs data for dissemination – trend reports for Social Service ®