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universidade lusófona

ERASMUS + “The little Entrepreneurs”

TRIE Researchers Américo Mateus, Susana Leonor, Catarina Gomes, Helena Martins and Lucas Pena were responsible for the training “Gamification for Entrepreneurship Education” that took place in Portugal on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November as part of the project Erasmus + “the Little Entrepreneurs”. The TRIE Research Center, is the coordinator of this project within the Grupo Ensino Lusófona.

The intensive week began with a welcome to the group made up of teachers from Turkey and Romania under the responsibility of Professor Ana Cunha (Director of ILIND) and Professor Américo Mateus (Director of TRIE). This was followed by five training sessions on the different topics:

  • "Gamification” (Professor Carla Sousa CICANT);
  • "Gamified entrepreneurship: enhancing entrepreneurship teaching using game elements and intrinsic motivation" (Professor Diogo Morais HEI-LAB);
  • "Transforming" the School ecosystem to Entrepreneurship school – how to create a Changing environment involving Teachers and Students (Teachers Álvaro Dias, Américo Mateus, Helena Martins and Catarina Gomes TRIE);
  • "Co-creation of learning scenarios and curriculum programs for game-based education" (Teachers Américo Mateus, Helena Martins and Catarina Gomes TRIE);
  • "Crossing game" based education with Active Pedagogical Practices – Designing Project based learning challenges for Education (Teachers Susana Leonor, Lucas Pena and Catarina Gomes TRIE).

The feedback from the participants was very positive and the proposed results were successfully achieved.