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universidade lusófona
Advisory Board

Professor Doutor Soumodip Sarkar

Professor Doutor Soumodip Sarkar – Vice-Reitor da Universidade de Évora – Soumodip Sarkar is a Full Professor at the Department of Management, University of Évora, Portugal, and researcher at CEFAGE-UE, and an Associate (Non-resident Fellow) of the Asia Center at Harvard University. He is also the Vice-Rector of the University of Évora, as well as the Executive President of the Science Park of the region (PACT). His current research interests include social innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. His recent research has been published in high impact journals such as: Government Information Quarterly, Regional Development, Scientometrics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Small Business Management, European Management Journal, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research, Service Business, Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Knowledge Economy, European Journal of Innovation Management, Service Industries Journal, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Energy Journal among others. He has published four books on entrepreneurship and innovation, and his most recent book, EntreSutra was published by Bloomsbury in May 2018. He has been a coordinator as well as team member of sixteen international (EU funded) as well as regional projects, and currently involved in nine different projects.