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universidade lusófona
Team Direction Board


Américo Mateus, holds a PhD in Management, Master’s in marketing and Degree in Design, is a Professor at ISMAT Portimão (Portugal), since 2018.  From 2017 to 2020, Vice-director and researcher at HEI-LAB, Lusófona (Lisboa, Portugal); ISHIP Transdisciplinary Research Center Head of research at ISMAT, and former Head of Ideas(r)evolution research Group at UNIDCOM/IADE (Portugal).  His Researcher member for two European H2020 Projects – URBiNAT grant nº 776783: where is leading the Participatory Design Task, and Co-Create grant nº 806616/EU, where he led the Co-creation task for the Portuguese Partner (UNINOVA, Caparica, Portugal). He has been the Coordinator / Principal Researcher for more than 50 applied research projects (National and International) in the areas of Creativity, Design thinking, Territorial innovation, Education Innovation and Business innovation and modelling and Digital Education Innovative Models. He also is a regular international visiting lecturer and applied research adviser in several countries and institutions, such as: Bilgi University, Turkey; Universidad Europea Madrid, Spain; Karel de Grote and Howest West Flanders, Belgium; TU Delft and Avans University, Netherlands; FH Vorarlberg, Austria; RMIT Melbourne, Australia; University of Europe Berlim, Germany; Walden University, USA; Laureate online Education, UK; Haaga-velia, Finland and UFSC, Brazil. In the last 5 years he published: 9 articles in peer-review Journals (2 of them Q2), 12 articles in International conferences, 8 peer-reviewed scientific reports, 1 book chapter (Springer Nature). His research coordinator for 6 market applied research projects raising more than 400k euros of funding.