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universidade lusófona
Team Direction Board


Pedro Marques-Quinteiro holds a PhD in Management and Development of Human Resources from ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at ECEO (Universidade Lusófona), an Integrated Member of TRIE (Universidade Lusófona), and serves as an Associate Editor at the Spanish Journal of Psychology. Pedro Marques-Quinteiro’s research regards leadership and teamwork in extreme environments (e.g., healthcare; firefighting; police; polar regions), with publications in top journals such as the Group and Organization Management, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Leadership, and Small Group Research. He is currently involved in several research projects supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology, the Portuguese Polar Program, and the European Space Agency. In this context, he has already led two scientific expeditions to King George Island (Antarctica), and his research has received the attention of national (e.g., Diário de Notícias) and international (e.g., Wall Street Journal) media.